#FUTUREPROOFLEGAL: skills, roles, jobs – Intro to the Series (006)
The latest technological advancements have led to speculations on the impact technology will have on the legal industry. The exponential growth in information technology demonstrates that technological changes will transform the way our profession operates and how professionals make legal expertise accessible to society. Paradoxically, it took the advent of technology for us to be reminded of how critical interpersonal skills are in the workplace. The ability to collaborate across practice areas, cultures and disciplines, the art of compromising and accepting other people’s opinions (while putting oneself under the microscope) and striving to better communicate ideas, are all skills insufficiently addressed in law school (and even in practice, for that matter) but utterly valuable in the interest of both lawyers and clients. The legal industry is already presenting a widening skills gap, and there are no signs this will be alleviated anytime soon
Our #FUTUREPROOFLEGAL: skills, roles, jobs Series will cater to all lawyers and law students out there by presenting the prospecting trends influencing legal roles & jobs, the skills required in the future work environment, and courses that will place you at the cutting edge of legal innovation.
Our series is split into two categories: Roles & Jobs and Skills, and they will be delivered to you alternatively between now and June.