Online Courts in Romania: A small step for legal practitioners, a giant leap for the Romanian judicial system
On 3rd of April 2020, a group of visionary legal professionals organised the first online court hearing in Romania. The case was a moot one, in the sense that the parties and the matter brought forth before the court were all fictional. What was at stake here, though, was for the legal professionals to get a taste of online/remote dispute resolution before courts of law.
Shortly, on 7th of April 2020, the Bucharest Tribunal (both a court of first instance and appellate court) launched the Videoconferencing section on its website to be used by and large for civil cases.
These shifts of paradigm were triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated measures. The challenge will now be to sustain these actions and continue the innovation process and digitalise the Romanian judicial system once the pandemic crisis is over. The task will be a demanding one because, unlike alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as arbitration and mediation, the procedural rules governing the activity of the courts of law are largely different and mainly strict. Although seeing the possible advantages, Romanian legal professionals are still wary of the digitalisation process.

Growth Mindset for #FUTUREPROOFLEGAL (010)
“Will I succeed or fail?”, “Will I look smart or dumb?”, “Will I be accepted or rejected?”, “Will they see me as a winner or a loser?”
How many times have you asked yourself these questions before taking action?
Such queries reveal more than simple individual fears or insecurities; they unravel cultural stereotypes perpetuated across all levels of our society. As a society, we value intelligence, effortless success, and character. Nothing terrible to this point. But how healthy is it to hold them in such high regard? Why hide flaws instead of overcoming them – and taking pride in that while at it? Why seek friends or partners who become your echo chamber instead of ones who will challenge you to grow? Why seek out the “tried and true” instead of exploring opportunities that challenge you?
The propensity for stretching yourself and continuing the growing curve even (or, especially) when the process becomes particularly bumpy is actually the hallmark of the growth mindset.[1] But embracing this manner of thinking calls for a shift of paradigm.

Top 20 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Books for 2020
New year, new me, right? If your 2020 resolution is to crack on this whole AI (artificial intelligence) buzz — to know what awaits us, keep up with the dinner party conversations or impress your boss/date/children — read on. A subjective guide for the curious minds.
If you’re sticking to the more traditional new year resolutions (hint: this new shiny gym membership), the books provide great mental gymnastics. To go along with your (physical) training.
How to use it?
You do not have to stick to the proposed order, yet it has a flow. We start with a warm-up and go higher with the intensity, finishing with a gentle cool down.
This guide provides short descriptions, with added links where full reviews are available.

Hello from the “new normal”…
A few words from us, in this strange new world.
Stay at home. Stay Strong.
Together we will make it. Or at least learn from it.
On the blog, we will keep delivering our content. It has become all the more relevant and urgent, in the digitally transforming (yes, accelerated by the C-word) professional realities.