Empathy & emotional intelligence for #FUTUREPROOFLEGAL (018)
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a superpower in both the professional and personal sphere. Investment in developing emotional intelligence yields many beneficial results – for yourself and your environment. This is especially crucial in the legal industry, given lawyers are traditionally perceived as cold and robotic. It’s a stereotype, sure, yet data mostly confirms this popular belief. This situation of low empathy and EI amongst lawyers is not only a mismatch between what people need and what they get. Worse, it creates many disadvantages for your business, career, finances and wellbeing. The good news is that being empathetic and emotionally intelligent can be learnt and improved upon. So, you can start with this post in which you’ll:
– find out what is emotional intelligence (EI) and its measure – EQ;
– read about the core trait of EI – empathy; and
– learn some useful tips for developing your emotional intelligence and empathy.